
ITV gives air time to Covid-19 Urgent Appeal as nation pays tribute to our NHS

On 3rd April 2020
Categories: 2020

ITV replaced its schedule ahead of 8pm on Thursday 2 April with a message urging viewers to Clap for our Carers and donate to the NHS Charities Together Covid-19 Urgent Appeal. We’re so grateful to all involved at ITV for their support. The pause in programming took place ahead of The Tonight Programme as ITV urged the public to stand on their doorsteps and balconies to applaud our key healthcare workers.

ITV has also urged the public to share messages of support and love amongst one another, and check on neighbours at this time of isolation, through their landmark mental wellness campaign, Britain Get Talking, which continues throughout the month.

Carolyn McCall, Chief Executive at ITV, said “ITV is joining the rest of the country in thanking everyone in the NHS and carers who are doing such a vital and fantastic role – so we will pause our programming at 8pm to applaud the heroes within the NHS for the remarkable efforts they are making, and raise as much money for NHS charities as we can thanks to our viewers’ generosity.”     

Annemarie Plas, the creator of the #ClapforourCarers movement in the UK, said “I am really delighted that ITV is backing the initiative to clap for all who there are out there taking care of us, and helping keep that Thursday 8pm moment alive”

NHS Charities Together Chief Executive Ellie Orton said: “Joining the wonderful wave of support for the NHS to say a massive thank you together with Clap for our Carers is already making such a difference and today, and because of the brilliant British people, we have already raised nearly £17 million for our Covid-19 Urgent Appeal.

“Now with ITV’s generosity to give free air time to remind everyone of the opportunity to express their love and thanks and to also give back, we are even more grateful so thank you.

“We are distributing funds to over 140 NHS charities who are the legal way that the NHS receives, holds and spends charitable funds. These funds are above and beyond the funds that the government has provided and together we help provide the very best care for NHS patients.”

About the Covid-19 Urgent Appeal

The NHS Charities Together Urgent Appeal acknowledges and supports NHS staff and volunteers caring for COVID-19 patients. It has been put together in liaison with NHS England and national bodies, our member NHS charities and national giving platforms. Click here to donate.

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