
Implementing Our Strategy

On 18th February 2019
Categories: Uncategorised

So I think Warwick much be the only place in the country that very disappointingly has no snow! I have spent an unnatural amount of time looking at the weather app on my phone, which keeps telling me it’s going to snow or it actually is… but I look out the window and there is no white stuff! So no cheeky snow day in our household = 3 disappointed kids! (And that’s just in the office…)

As we end the first month of the year, the Association is already in full swing into implementing our new strategic plan.

Regional groups: we now have 13 regional groups with Chairs and these are ready to start meeting. In the North West the group has been meeting for some time and I am very pleased to be visiting on Wednesday where I will be leading discussions about the role of NHS Charities in supporting the NHS Long Term Plan. Following that I am in Scotland in mid February meeting with our Scottish members. In the North East, the regional group Chair has organised a regional conference which I will speaking at in April. Please do contact April in the office if you would like me to visit your regional group in the future.

Website: very excitingly this too is in full development stage and we plan to launch this in May, this is phase one of implementing our ‘embracing digital’ programme.

NHS Big Tea: all set for on and around the 5th July, letters have gone out to members via email updating everyone about what you need to do to be part of the action. If your charity has not received any communications about this, please do contact our office.

Our first, newly extended, Charity Leaders Group takes place in 2 weeks’ time on 13thFebruary. I am very pleased to say that we have both Chairs, Chief Execs and Heads of Charity booked on to this event, with double the number of delegates attending from last year. This really is best use of our resources and the high calibre speakers who address these events.

Booking for our Fundraising MIG Conference opens on Monday, this ever popular event is set to be as highly attended as ever therefore we have booked a larger 150 capacity venue. The conference will be focusing on ‘legacy fundraising’.

Developing Partnerships is a key way for us to sustain the increased services and profile for our members. We have some exciting new partnerships emerging that will enhance the offer we can give to members. One of these is with Convenzis Conferences, where Sarah Naismith, Director of Charities at University Manchester Hospitals Charity, will be presenting case studies on how NHS Charities enhance workforce development and care within the NHS, at their March conference.

Next week is the closing date for the recruitment of our new Membership Support and Development Manager, so far we have 37 applications. Short listing and interviews take place in February and we hope to appoint at the end of the month. Excitingly, we are also set to advertise for a part time Business Development role this month as well. This will support the new income generation and diversification we need to sustain as we continue to implement our ambitious and forward thinking vision to inspire NHS Charities to be the nation’s biggest independent supporters of Health and Well-being.

“In reality strategy is actually very straightforward. You pick a general direction and implement like hell.” Jack Welch

Ellie Orton

Chief Executive

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