
Growing ‘taches and funds for our Urgent Appeal

On 26th March 2020
Categories: 2020

A growing number of men have joined team Movid-19 with a pledge to grow a moustache throughout the Covid-19 pandemic. It’s in a show of solidarity with NHS staff and volunteers by raising funds for the NHS Charities Together Covid-19 Urgent Appeal.

The fundraiser is one of many challenges set up by generous individuals and groups keen to do their bit for the appeal. The money will be used to support frontline NHS staff and volunteers working night and day to protect us against Covid-19.

More than 20 ‘tashe growers, including a mix of NHS staff and non-NHS workers up and down the country, have already joined team Movid-19. They want as many people as possible to get involved to show support, boost morale and raise vital funds for the appeal.

Zachary Cole-Healy, a surgical doctor, formed Movid-19 with friends where he works in the North West as a fun way to show support.

He said: “I, like many NHS staff, have been required to shave my beard to allow the fitting of protective masks. After a chat with friends we came up with the Movid-19 idea as a fun way to raise money to support the NHS staff at this difficult time.”

Support Movid-19

You can become a member of the moustache growing Movid-19 team, or sponsor your favourite team member, at https://www.justgiving.com/team/Movid-19

The Covid-19 Urgent Appeal

The Covid-19 Urgent Appeal was launched by NHS Charities Together to acknowledge and support NHS staff and volunteers caring for Covid-19 patients. The campaign was put together in liaison with NHS England and national bodies, NHS Charities Together’s member NHS charities and national giving platforms.

Money raised through the appeal will fund grants to help NHS charities support the health and emotional wellbeing of NHS staff and volunteers caring for Covid-19 patients in ways above and beyond that which NHS funding can ordinarily provide, including wellbeing packs and costs associated with travel, parking, accommodation and volunteer expenses.

Find out more about the appeal and donate here.

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