The Gym Group Partnership
NHS Charities Together is proud to partner with The Gym Group to break down barriers to fitness and create healthier communities.
By funding projects which help health and wellbeing in the community, The Gym Group will help NHS Charities Together ease pressure on NHS services.
With more than 230 sites nationwide, The Gym Group is a leading low-cost UK 24/7 gym operator, providing affordable access to fitness facilities for local communities.
Over the coming years, we’ll be working with The Gym Group colleagues up and down the country to raise funds and awareness.
Through the partnership, local gyms will connect with local NHS charities, engaging in volunteering opportunities, toy drives and local fundraising events, amongst other things.
The Gym Group will also support Department of Health and Social Care & NHS England campaigns by sharing key messaging across their platforms, further supporting our strategic ambition of creating healthier communities.
“We’re delighted to be working with NHS Charities Together to help create healthier communities across the UK, delivering on our mission to break down barriers to fitness for all. Our partnership will allow us to deliver national impact at a local level.”
Clare Walker, Head of Communications at The Gym Group