
County Durham
& Darlington
Foundation Trust

Connecting patients with loved ones

In County Durham and Darlington, visiting restrictions were introduced as part of the NHS response to the Covid-19 Pandemic. So staff looked for new and different ways to help families and patients stay connected. The NHS charity stepped in and purchased iPads for ward areas to help patients and colleagues stay in touch with their loved ones during this difficult time. The iPads have provided a vital link between families and patients when they can’t meet face to face and will continue to be used in the future supporting those patients receiving end of life care. “Hearing, seeing and speaking with loved ones, even virtually, helps raise spirits.”  Jane Kelly-Lloyd, Clinical Nurse

Connecting patients with loved ones

In County Durham and Darlington, visiting restrictions were introduced as part of the NHS response to the Covid-19 Pandemic. So staff looked for new and different ways to help families and patients stay connected.

The NHS charity stepped in and purchased iPads for ward areas to help patients and colleagues stay in touch with their loved ones during this difficult time.

The iPads have provided a vital link between families and patients when they can’t meet face to face and will continue to be used in the future supporting those patients receiving end of life care.

“Hearing, seeing and speaking with loved ones, even virtually, helps raise spirits.” 

Jane Kelly-Lloyd, Clinical Nurse