
Contactyour selected NHS Charity

Use our form below to contact your selected NHS charity and they’ll be in contact about how you can add them to your Will.

Not the NHS charity you want to contact? Go Back to the NHS charity list.

We require you to complete this form to share your information with the member charity in which you expressed an interest in finding out more information about leaving a gift in your Will to (the ‘Member Charity’). By completing this form, the data we will be collecting is your name, email address and telephone number and you agree to NHS Charities Together collecting and storing your data in accordance with its privacy notice, as set out at: https://nhscharitiestogether.co.uk/privacy/.

The relevant Member Charity may contact you to provide you with more information regarding how you can leave a gift in your Will to them. For more information about how we use your data in respect of this form, please contact NHS Charities Together by emailing hello@anhsc.org.uk.

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