


Donations to NHS Charities Together help take pressure off an overstretched NHS. Together with a network of over 230 NHS charities we support our incredible NHS staff and emergency volunteers, so that they can continue with their vital life-saving work. We also fund projects that prevent ill health and improve services for patients.

 Our national reach through a network of NHS charities across the UK means we can ensure funds get to where they are needed most.

Support for NHS staff

NHS staff are the beating heart of our NHS, with many putting their patients before themselves. The last two years have been particularly traumatic, with many staff feeling burnt-out , anxious and exhausted.

We ensure staff have somewhere to rest during busy shifts, provide dedicated counselling support for those who are struggling with their mental health, and we fund training for staff so that they can better support eachother.

Honouring Health & Care Staff – 75 Years of Service

NHS Charities Together hosted a live-streamed event to honour 75 years of service and sacrifice from health and care staff on Friday 10 March 2023.

March 10th was the eve of the third anniversary of the World Health Organisation declaring a pandemic, and the service remembered those staff who lost their lives during Covid-19 and honoured the contribution of health and care staff in the 75th year of the NHS.

Support for Patients

The NHS is here for us in our best moments, and our worst – caring for us when we need it most. 

That’s why we fund projects that make hospital feel less like hospital, provide specialist equipment and invest in new technology, and help to provide valuable support for families who are struggling with bereavement.

Support for Patients

The NHS is here for us in our best moments, and our worst – caring for us when we need it most. 

That’s why we fund projects that make hospital feel less like hospital, provide specialist equipment and invest in new technology, and help to provide valuable support for families who are struggling with bereavement.

Support in the community

The last two years have been the most challenging in the history of the NHS, with the Covid-19 pandemic creating unprecedented demands on our health service.

That’s why we fund projects that support the health and wellbeing of people in the community, to ease the pressures off our hospitals. Whether it’s through exercise, diet, or by bringing people together – we can help prevent people from getting seriously ill or needing long-term term support, and we provide training and equipment for thousands of emergency response volunteers.