
To celebrate the NHS’ 75th birthday, we are inviting everyone to host an NHS Big Tea the first week of July – including the NHS’ birthday on Wednesday 5th and Thank You Day on Sunday 2nd July.

Thank You Day, now in its third year, is organised by the Together Coalition and supported by organisations like the Scouts, Guides, the NHS, Royal Voluntary Service, the Football Association, the Church of England, and hundreds more. The campaign has reached 15 million people since launching in 2021. Thank You Day 2023 will see a host of events on themes ranging from food, sport, art, music and more, to celebrate those people and experiences that make each community special.

This summer we celebrate the 75th anniversary of the NHS. And during the week of the NHS’ birthday – including National Thank You Day on 2 July – we’re inviting everyone to host an NHS Big Tea and raise money for NHS charities.

The NHS Big Tea is a chance to get together around an institution we all love, but also to provide vital extra support to help staff who are struggling and make all their lives a little bit easier – including somewhere to rest during busy shifts, dedicated counselling, and peer-to-peer training so they can better support each other. And what better way to say thank you than that!

Click here to find out more information and sign up to host an NHS Big Tea.