Winning at the HSJ Awards 2019
NHS Charities Together Council members and team had a wonderful evening at the HSJ Awards on 6th November as...
NHS Big Tea 2020: raising a cuppa to nurses and midwives
2020 is the International Year of the Nurse and Midwife – the most respected and trusted professionals in...
‘Hand in hand’ – NHS trusts and charities working in partnership
NHS Charities Together is the partner charity with the HSJ Awards next month on 6th November. We are very...
NHS at the top of the (apple) tree!
Last month, an annual Brand Relevance Index, run by a leading brand and marketing consultancy, found the NHS...
NHS Charities meeting the Long Term Plan
We are proud to announce that we launched our new rebrand at NHS Health and Care Innovation Expo at the...
Deep Impact – NHS Charities boldly going where none have before
One of the biggest challenges facing NHS Charities, is evidencing the impact of all the...